5G Cellular Modem
All About Arrays
Analog Filtering Techniques
Analog I/O Scaling in Cscape
Application Solving with Andrew Jagger
Array Math in the Horner OCS
BACnet IP Protocol
Build an Analog Totalizer with Horner OCS
Building a Scheduler Using Time & Date Compare Functions
Check Out the Data Find UDFBs in Cscape
Compare Functions (LIMIT and Time/Date) in Cscape
Configuring OCS-I/O
Control a SmartMotor with Horner OCS Over CANopen
Create & Edit Cscape Tag-Based Variables
Creating UDFBs in Cscape's IEC Editor
CsCAN Protocol
CsCAN SmartRail I/O
Cscape Menu Object
Cscape Recipe Management Part One
Cscape Recipe Management Part Two
Cscape Shift Register Instruction
Custom Fonts with Horner OCS
Data Parsing Instructions in Cscape
Data Sorting Operations in the Horner OCS
Ethernet Global Data (EGD) Protocol
Ethernet IP I/O Adapter
Exchange Logix CPU Tags with Horner OCS
Exchanging OCS data with Ignition using MQTT Sparkplug
Expand the XL Prime Using a USB Hub
Graphics & Animation for OCS
Find Operations Using Structured Text
Floating Point PID Control in Cscape's IEC Editor
Helpful Horner Hacks!
High Speed Outputs on the Horner OCS
Horner OCS & the AC Power Monitor in Action!
How to Test BACnet IP & MSTP Prior to On-site Installation
IEC 6-1131 Function Block Diagram in Cscape
IEC 6-1131 Ladder Logic in Cscape
IEC 6-1131 Sequential Function Chart in Cscape
IEC 6-1131 Structured Text in Cscape
Initiate File Transfers from the OCS Touchscreen
Integrating Infranor Servos with Horner OCS
Integrating Stepper Motors
Introducing the Cscape Drum Sequencer UDFB
I/O Simulator with Horner OCS
Micro OCS I/O Tricks
Modbus RTU Slave & Modbus TCP Server
Modbus TCP for OCS to OCS Communication
Modbus TCP in an IEC Programming Environment
Modbus TCP in a Tag-Based Environment
Modbus Variable Conversion in Enhanced IEC-61131
MORE Little Known (But Useful!) System Registers
The NEW SmartRail Ethernet Base
OCS in a 12 VDC Environment
OCS-I/O Base with Built-in I/O and Flexible Inputs
The OCS-I/O Universal Analog Input Module
Pair Micro OCS with OCS-I/O
PID Tuning
RealTime Automation Ethernet IP Scanner
Scheduling FTP File Transfers to/from a Horner OCS
Screen Organization in Cscape
Sending SMS Text Messages from the Horner OCS
Sequential Stepper Moves
Shift Register Functions in Cscape
String Handling and Structured Text
String Handling in Enhanced IEC
Structured Text Math Instructions in Cscape’s IEC Editor
Tank Volume Calculation Function Blocks
The NEW SmartRail Ethernet Base and Ethernet IP
Transform Your Register-Based Logic Routine to a UDFB
Trends on the Horner OCS
UDFB from Scratch with Cscape
Unique Cscape Function Blocks
User Security
Using an Ethernet Bar Code Reader with Horner OCS
Using Look-Up Tables in Ladder Logic
Using Loops in Ladder Logic
Using Shared I/O with Multiple OCS Controllers
Using Thermistors with Horner OCS All-in-One Controllers
Using the NEW Cscape String Handling UDFBs
Using Video with Horner OCS
WebMI as a Large Screen Monitor
What is a "Masked Move" Operation?
XLEe as Ethernet IP Remote I/O
XLEe as Remote I/O




(Requires Cscape 9.10B or higher)

This file consists of:

• Hardware configuration from solution #1
• Overview screen (Screen 1)
• Recipes configuration (Menu Program -> Recipes Editor)
• Recipes Screen (Screen 2)
• Datalog Configuration (menu Program -> Datalog Configuration…)
• Alarm messages configuration (Screen Editor -> menu Config -> Alarm)
• SMS configuration (Menu Program -> Messaging -> SMS…)
• SMS screen (Screen 3)
• Code for handling SMS (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> SMS)
• Code for handling Alarms (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> Alarms)

Energy Monitoring

(Requires Cscape 9.10B or higher)

This file consists of:

• Parameter Overview screen (Screen 1)
• Datalog Configuration (Menu Program -> Datalog Configuration…)
• Alarm messages configuration (Screen Editor -> Menu Config -> Alarm)
• SMS configuration (Menu Program -> Messaging -> SMS)
• Alarm and SMS screen (Screen 2)
• Code for calculating energy parameters (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> Main)
• Code for handling SMS (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> SMS)
• Code for handling Alarms (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> Alarms)

Food & Beverage

(Requires Cscape 9.10B or higher)

This file consists of:

• Hardware configuration (eXL10 + XLE + SmartStix Digital I/O)
• CsCAN data exchange code for both units
• EXL10 and XLe Overview screens
• Recipe handler for eXl10 (menu Program -> Recipes Editor)
• Sample protocol configuration for XLe (menu Program -> Protocol configuration)

Water Treatment

(Requires Cscape 9.10B or higher)

This file consists of:

• Sample hardware configuration (XLe + GPRS modem)
• Overview screen (Screen 1)
• Datalog Configuration (menu Program -> Datalog Configuration…)
• Alarm messages configuration (Screen Editor -> menu Config -> Alarm)
• GPRS configuration (menu Program -> Messaging -> GPRS…)
• Code for auto mode (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> Main -> Auto_Mode)
• Code for handling Communication (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> Comms)
• Code for handling Alarms (Logic Modules -> Main Loop Modules -> Alarms)