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Aug 9 2022

XL Series

The XL Series of Operator Control Stations (OCS) offer robust, reliable control that combine a traditional controller with an operator interface, built-in I/O, networking and removable mass data storage into an integrated, all-in-one unit. The XL series integrated industrial controls are cost-effective, provide significantly more functionality than a PLC and operator interface and are programmed

Aug 9 2022

Micro OCS Series

Our Micro OCS line of products introduces a series of fixed I/O controllers, with exceptional performance and a streamlined ordering and pricing structure. These powerful and efficient controllers are well-suited to perform many of the same high-end applications as our popular XL Series, but at the price point of an introductory component. We have all

Aug 3 2022

Getting Started with IEC 6-1131 Structured Text in Cscape

This week we take a look at Structured Text in Cscape. While not as popular or prolific as Ladder Logic, Structured Text is uniquely powerful - and features a more "computer language" look and feel. If you have a computer science background - it can quickly help you get comfortable as you program in a

Jul 26 2022

Getting Started with IEC 6-1131 Ladder Logic in Cscape

At least 30 years after its predicted demise – Ladder Logic is here to stay. And Horner Automation continues to provide options to automation programmers who choose to program their control systems using this traditional language. In this session we’re going to help customers get started using the Ladder Logic editor in the IEC 6-1131

Jul 6 2022

Using Modbus TCP for OCS to OCS Communication

Communications is one of the strengths of the Horner OCS. Another strength is distributed control – where a complex control task can be modularized to provide efficiency and scalability in the application by utilizing multiple OCS controllers. But what communications architecture and which communications protocol(s) should you use? In this session we’ll dive into the

Jul 6 2022

Performing Sequential Stepper Moves with Horner OCS

The Horner OCS All-in-one Controller can be an excellent choice for Indexing applications. Lately there has been an explosion of stepper motor models with built-in drives from a host of different manufacturers. Some of these feature a network interface, and others a more traditional Step and Direction approach. In this session – we’ll demonstrate Cscape

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